Spiritual Wellness Check-up
Few people are consciously aware of their spiritual needs, but we all have them!
Take a minute to perform a self-check of your spiritual health.
Respond to each of the following statements by choosing the response that best captures the extent it is true for you.
1 = Not at all, 2 = A small extent, 3 = A moderate extent, 4 = A large extent, 5 = Completely
Your total is: .
You would benefit from immediate conversation with a mental health practitioner, faith leader, or spiritual director/spiritual companion.
Get some support and take intentional action on one or two areas that are most important to you.
You’re moving in the right direction. Set aside some time to address the areas where you circled a 3 or lower. Decide if being in conversation about them with someone else would be of benefit to you.
Keep doing what you’re doing! If your spiritual journey is lonely, seek out spiritual companionship for yourself as you share your light and love with others.
If you are a leader who plans to improve your spiritual wellness, know that doing so will also benefit the people and organization you serve.
Continue by asking yourself the spiritual direction readiness questions or by getting in touch!