
Would you like to assess your spiritual wellness or determine whether leadership coaching is right for you?
Would you like to check the health of your workplace or find out if you’re ready to undertake a OE project?
Use our tools to see where you are and if we can help you get to where you want to go. 

Gain Spiritual Wellness from Spiritual Direction

Give Yourself A Spiritual Wellness Check-up

Are you aware of your spiritual needs? How well have you met them?

Determine Your Readiness for Spiritual Direction

Do you understand the benefits of spiritual direction? Do you seek to integrate faith and leadership?

Become a Servant Leader through Leadership Coaching

Start the Servant Leadership Scan

Are you familiar with servant leadership? Are you ready to become a servant leader?

Determine Your Readiness for Leadership Coaching

Do you seek to improve your leadership? Do you understand the benefits of leadership coaching?

Experience a Healthy Workplace after an OE Project

Take the Workplace Culture Health Review

Does your work group enjoy a healthy culture? Does your organization see the benefits?

Determine Your Readiness for an OE Project

Changing an organization’s culture is hard work. Is your leadership team up for it?